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HIGH IMPACT:  How to Create Advertising that Sells!
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                    HOW THIS BOOK WILL HELP YOU


Your customers are bombarded with thousands of "buy me" messages every day.  How can you break through to persuade them to visit your store?  By using the psychological principles of persuasive marketing. 

HIGH IMPACT uses the principles of over 100 years of psychological research into human persuasion, memory and emotion to reveal to you the SPECIFIC steps to more persuasive advertising and marketing messages of all sorts.


The author, Dr. Gary Witt, holds a doctorate in psychology and communication from the University of Texas, has over 30 years of experience in real world marketing and over 20 years teaching marketing at 8 universities. He has won multiple national awards, written numerous articles and several marketing books, plus a textbook on psychology.

This is not a textbook. HIGH IMPACT is an easy-to-read, easy-to-use workbook for those who want to create effective print advertising. What does “effective” mean? It means the ad will grab the reader’s attention, create interest in your message, present that message persuasively, and create a desire to check out your product or service. That’s about all you can expect from an ad. And it’s far more than most ads deliver.

The book is divided into chapters for each stage of the creative process.  It assumes you or your employee know little or nothing about creating ads, but have to do one anyway.  Those with more experience will gain even more from the contents, showing you WHY certain headlines, pictures and body copy work and others don't.  See below for a list of the chapters.


This is a downloadable e-book which you can print if you want.  It has a 100% money-back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and a LOT to gain by checking it out. 



Chapters in HIGH IMPACT:

Here is a list of the helpful chapters in HIGH IMPACT:  How You Can Create Ads that Sell!  You'll see they take the novice or the experienced ad person from the start to finish in creating a psychologically powerful persuasive ad with the best chance of creating a positive response and action.  Use this book to create and evaluate ads.


This book is divided into chapters for each stage of the creative process.


  • Chapter One gives you the basic understanding of how and why most people buy.You must grasp the REAL reasons people buy if you are going to create an effective ad.

  • Chapter Two shows you how to build on that knowledge, using eight steps to plan an effective advertising campaign anchored in Psychological Marketing techniques.

  • Chapter Three shows you how to find or create pictures which will reach out and grab the reader’s attention -- without attention, your ad is just another piece of meaningless filler between articles.

  • Chapter Four shows you how to create headlines that hold readers’ attention and propel them into your sales message.

  • Chapter Five shows you how to write an effective sales pitch in your ad that will make readers want to look at your product or service.

  • Chapter Six shows you how to use some basic design tricks to make your ad or brochure visually appealing to readers.

  • Chapter Seven shows you how to apply these ideas to the design of an effective Internet Web site, including an Internet Evaluation Guide, “68 Ways to Analyze and Improve Your Web Site.


CLICK HERE to read excerpt.

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